{{:rfinder-masthead.jpg?600|}}\\ \\ ===== Wiki for RFinder B1-Plus/M6/Tablets, Unified Radios & ComJot ===== \\ The RFinder B1-Plus is a dual-band VHF/UHF DMR/FM handheld that never needs a code plug! Uses your GPS position to find the repeaters in your area, anywhere on Earth! Now with a new chipset, upgraded OS, and USB-C on-board quick-charging. This is a full 64GB storage 6GB RAM Android Cellphone/DMR Radio. WiFi, NFC, GSM, LTE (yes, Verizon, TMobile and ATT and their MVNO's as well as CA, SA, EU, Oceana, and Asian carriers)...and of course 136-174/400-470MHz DMR/FMW/FMN.\\ \\ DMR over IP (DMRoIP) allows users to connect to over 220,000 DMR amateur radio operators from all over the world without the need for a hotspot or a local DMR repeater! RFinder is the first “Click and Talk Transceiver” utilizing its built-in World Wide Repeater Directory (WWRD). Easily point and click on the repeater you wish to use in the WWRD, and you are connected! The RFinder has embedded smartphone technology and wifi connectivity, which allows you to connect to Brandmeister and TGIF with no external hotspot needed!\\ **//Pending Content & Transition: Unified Radios Software & ComJot CJ-1 Hardware//**\\ ☛ [[Update-Status]] ===== Menu ===== [[START]]\\ **__RFinder__**\\ [[Antenna]]\\ [[Battery]]\\ [[Files]]\\ [[Memories]]\\ [[Miscellaneous]]\\ [[SIM]]\\ [[Sound]]\\ [[Speaker-Mic]]\\ [[Specs]]\\ [[Tablets]]\\ [[Troubleshooting]]\\ [[Updating]]\\ \\ **__Unified Radios/ComJot__**\\ [[comjot-hardware|ComJot Hardware]]\\ [[Files]]\\ [[Update-Status]]\\ ===== Info Sheets ===== ☛ [[comjot-hardware|ComJot Hardware]]\\ ---\\ ☛ [[https://rfinder.wiki/repository/index.php?dir=&file=M6%20Instruction%20Manual.pdf|M6 Instruction Manual]]\\ ☛ [[https://rfinder.wiki/repository/index.php?dir=&file=Rfinder_support_quick_guide.pdf|Rfinder Support Quick Guide]]\\ ☛ [[https://rfinder.wiki/repository/index.php?dir=&file=RFinder%20HM-200%20Speaker%20Mic%20Instructions.pdf|RFinder HM-200 Speaker Mic Instructions]]\\ ☛ [[https://rfinder.com/docs/RFinder-7-inch-Tablet-Brochure.pdf|RFinder 7 inch Tablet Brochure]]\\ ☛ [[info|RFinder Info Sheets]]\\ ☛ [[startup-info-sheet|RFinder Portables Startup Information Sheet v220711]]\\ ☛ [[https://rfinder.wiki/repository/index.php?dir=&file=RFinder-Manual-v2024-07.pdf|RFinder Operating Manual (version 2024.07)]]\\ ===== External Links ===== [[http://directory.unifiedradios.com|Unified Radios - New Repeater Directory]]\\ [[http://status.unifiedradios.com|Unified Radios - System Status]]\\ [[http://onair.unifiedradios.com|Unified Radios - On Air]]\\ [[http://map.unifiedradios.com|Unified Radios - Network Map]]\\ [[http://cloud.unifiedradios.com|Unified Radios - RF1 Cloud Memory Management]]\\ [[http://unifiedradios.com|UnifiedRadios.com]]\\ [[http://tait-radio.com/comjot-cj-1|ComJot CJ-1]]\\ ---\\ [[http://www.facebook.com/groups/328426600855938|RFinder Users Group on Facebook]]\\ [[http://www.facebook.com/groups/387135086530117|RFinder Splinter Group on Facebook]]\\ [[http://www.facebook.com/groups/unifiedradios|Unified Radios Group on Facebook]]\\ [[http://www.facebook.com/groups/976738000649422|ComJot Radios Group on Facebook]]\\ ---\\ [[http://hose.brandmeister.network|DMR ID via RadioID.net]]\\ [[http://www.brandmeister.network|Brandmeister.network]]\\ [[http://hose.brandmeister.network|Brandmeister Hoseline]]\\ [[http://www.mintmobile.com/help/how-to-configure-android-settings|Mint Mobile - Configure Android]] ---- Content population in progress. Dokuwiki was specifically used due to ease of their wiki syntax and not needing a MySQL database backend; content is stored in text files and easily transportable. //RFinder.wiki is independent and not affiliated with Unified Radios, ComJot, RFinder.com, AndroidDMR.com or any RFinder manufacturer/vendors.//\\ Contact:{{:admin.jpg|}}